• D&d 5E - Schools of Magic by Dungeon Master Assistant

    This article has been in my DM Binder since the first day I saw it. It is perfect for naming schools of magic to magical effects when a player uses Detect Magic or even when describing the feel of a magic item to a wizard. I could not recommend it more as a reference!

  • Azgaar's Fantasy Map Generator

    A fantastic free world generator that can easily get you a world map or you can use it as a starting place and adjust where you see fit. It gives you a lot of different views and customization options.

  • RoleGenerator.com

    This website is a HUGE resource for generating all sours of content you may need for your TTRPG Games. Since this site was put on my radar, I have been using it as a starting point when building cities and generally when I am looking for inspiration.