
Frezly, Protector of Roads

Frezly is a Satyr who while protecting some passers by on the read from bandits, encountered a powerful cloaked figure. The figure gave him his sword an Frezly became a protector of those who travel that day, and through research of his own realized the cloaked man was the God of Travelers himself. He made it is life work to find the God who saved him again and thank him in person.

This NPC was made with the help of our #TTRPGFamily on twitter in celebration of me hitting 500 followers!


Grestian, The Fey Cursed Wanderer

Grestain is a common lumberjack who found his way into the Feywild by accident and gained the ire of a powerful Archfey known as “ the Archfey of the Hunt”. The Archfrey cursed him with powerful Fey magic, which has left Grestain out for a cure.

The NPC was made free as a thank you to Worlds Unending for the interview I did with them, you can find the interview & Grestain their!

Archfey of Wind

The Archfey of Wind is laid back, a bit aloof at times, and a rapid thinker. They are always onto the new thing and making games out of the fanning of the flames. They are remarkably uninterested in the courtly functions of running the domain itself and leave that to the Archfey of Wildfire.

Archfey of Wildfire

The Archfey of Wildfire is passionate, short-tempered, and quick to act. They have a reputation for being difficult to approach with bad news as it could end with a torrent of fire coming your way. But they are well respected and loved by those of their realm because with the raging fires, they feel safe.

Scroob, Nothic Sage

Scroob is a Nothic that spends their days reading and rereading tomes trying to learn as much as they can about magic. This has lead them to understand the mechanics of casting in a way that very few have. But due to their species, they are unable to cast magic in conventional ways. They have perfected a method of stealing other's casting by siphoning off the magic mid-cast.

Scroob loves magic, respects it, and ultimately wants it for themselves. They will follow and aid those that can cast powerful magics hoping to learn (or steal) the ability to do so.

Batharat Magebaine

Batharat was once a great worrier who was mortally wounded, and his family was slain in an attack by Legiorus, the Lord of Black Spire, and his minions. Since Batharat managed to kill nearly every minion before falling, Legiorus became impressed by the worrier's prowess. Legiorus healed Batharat and wiped his memory completely, indoctrinating him to his cause. Batharat was then trained to become the Mage Hunter he is today.

He has nightmares of his past life that have perplexed him ever since. And if his memories were to be restored, who knows where his allegiances could lie . . . 


Velkrig, Dragon's Herald

Velkrig is a kobold who has sworn service to an adult red dragon named Kragstrad, the Great Devouring Flame. Velkrig serves as the Great Dragons herald, ambassador, and liaison with the realm outside of the large volcano he has claimed as his domain. He serves a powerful entity, and he knows it.


Strimir Seastone

Strimir is an ex-pirate who was betrayed by his crew and cast out after years of raiding. Having done terrible things and having been stabbed in the back (physically and metaphorically), he has chosen to repent for his past life. He does this by fishing in solitude and selling the fish for half price to the coastal villages he stole from in his younger years.

He is consumed with regret and feels he deserves to be miserable for what he has done. He is distrustful of strangers but can come around if their intentions are revealed to be good.