Building fleshed-out NPC’s for your 5e game with everything you need.


NPCs Ready for your Game!

Here at NPC Encyclopedia, my goal is to give you a crazy cast of characters (some humanoid, some not) that you can pop into your game with minimal effort on the part of the DM.

What Each Post Looks Like

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Description & Background - A brief paragraph with an example description and some essential details about the character’s background that you can use in your game.

Roleplay Notes - Information of who they are and how they act. This includes and quirks they have and what makes them stand out amongst the crowd.

Portrait - Art of each character made with Portrait Workshop by Worldspinner, Reroll App by Givola Labs, or Commissioned art by the TTRPY Community.

Characteristics - Information that will help you decide how they act, including wants, ideals, bonds, flaws, alongside a secret they know and a reaction they can have.

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Ways to Use - This section outlines how your party may have similar goals to the NPC or how they may be at odds. This also explains what this NPC may do if they are an ally or an enemy to the party.

Your Campaign - Each NPC comes with 2 to 3 example story plots that show ways the party can get involved with the NPC and how these characters can be woven into your narrative and story.

These can be taken as is (depending on your player’s actions) or as inspiration for how this NPC can be woven into your world.

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5e Stat Block - Each NPC comes with a ready-to-use custom-made stat block. Each one will have at least one original feature or ability and are ready to fight alongside your players or against them.

These stat blocks also utilize “Trigger Actions,” which are immediate actions that happen in response to an element of combat.

These are designed to make combat more dynamic and make it hard to miss them while running an encounter.

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Other Homebrew Elements - Any unique Item the NPC has, the custom spell they know, or a powerful boon they can give are all added here for you to use in your world.

Some NPCs may have non of these, some may have one of each, and others may have multiple of one of them. If it is relevant for the NPC, it will be included here for your players to loot, learn, or be gifted.


Feel free to contact me with any questions, feedback, collaborations, or anything else!


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